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On Spain Languages & Services - Spanish schools

On Spain Languages & Services

On Spain Languages & Services

OnSpain School is a Spanish language school in Malaga founded in 2007. It’s centre accredited by Instituto Cervantes, where you can learn Spanish at various levels. For

school groups and individuals OnSpain offers packages with a special planned curriculum.

OnSpain organizes group trips around Andalusia for any kind of group, including schools and companies. We want you to live a complete cultural experience.

We are in Málaga, South of Spain, and we have two different locations in the city: one in a residential area close to the beach special for school groups and another one is located in the city centre (in the artistic neighborhood of Soho) for individuals and adults students.

Our team is involved in a creative and international atmosphere where we help students from all over the world that visit our Spanish language school in Malaga.

We are a well-known school and we can proudly say that we have a great team that makes it all succeed.

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