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AIL Málaga - Spanish schools

AIL Málaga

AIL Málaga

AIL Málaga language school is a friendly and fun environment for students who want to have a highly personalised learning experience. Our welcoming team are always happy to help – we speak a variety of languages such as Spanish, English, Italian and more. We believe in making the most of your time here– so we only teach small groups of classes to ensure our classes are as effective as possible.

We also have many different options – from intensive language courses to evening classes, and specialised skills courses too, such as our Spanish + internship course where students gain professional experience.

Come and experience where actual Malagueños live! Enjoy the vibrant lifestyle of the neighbourhood; going to the “barrio” shops, authentic Malagueño bars and restaurants, supermarkets and corner shops. Embrace the adventure of living here, surrounded by welcoming and friendly Malagueños.


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