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Echegaray Theatre - Theatres

Teatro Echegaray

Echegaray Theatre

Architect: Manuel Rivera Vera (Málaga, 1879-1940)
Style: Eclecticism
Opening: 19 November 1932
Transfer to the City of Málaga and re-opening: 7 October 2009
Rehabilitation: Francisco Peñalosa Izuzquiza, Borja Peñalosa, Salvador Moreno Peralta and César Olano Gurriarán
Capacity: 297

Originally designed as a movie theatre, the Echegaray Theatre was then acquired by the City of Málaga, which rehabilitated it to make it more versatile, in an effort to diversify the cultural programme of the Cervantes Theatre. After the renovation, the Echegaray Theatre began to house avant-garde shows, small operatic performances, theatre plays, concerts, educational activities and a few institutional functions. The theatre can host conventional, Italian-style or arena-style productions, as its grid and stage machinery cover both the stage box and the seating area, and the retractable seating system makes it possible to remove all seats or a section of them.

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