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Picasso museum - List of museums

Museo Picasso Málaga

Picasso museum

In answer to Pablo Ruiz Picasso’s wish for a place in his native city where his work could be shown to society, the Museo Picasso Málaga was inaugurated in 2003.

The institution has become since then fundamental for an understanding of the rich development of local culture. The museum is both a landmark and a magnet, as well as a key symbolic referent for anyone living in the capital of the Costa del Sol. For those drawn to Málaga from all parts of the world by the talent and fame of the most important painter of the 20th century, it is moreover an invitation to learn at close hand about the life and work of the locally born artist.

The collection, devoted in its entirety to Picasso’s work, comprises more than 230 paintings, sculptures, drawings, graphic works, and ceramics. They embody the groundbreaking innovations that mark the artist’s career and the wide range of styles, materials and techniques he revolutionised.

A visit is made all the more attractive by the architectural merits of the Palacio de Buenavista, the building that houses the museum, whose heritage has not only been respectfully restored but also intelligently combined with contemporary architecture.

Located in the city’s historic heart, very near the Cathedral and the Roman Theatre, it shows temporary exhibitions and organises a variety of activities such as workshops, concerts, cinema series or guided visits.

Opening times

Open everyday
July-August: 10am-8pm
September-October: 10am-7pm
November-February: 10am-6pm
March-June: 10am-7pm 

Check special dates on museum’s website.

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