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Museum Jorge Rando - List of museums

Museum Jorge Rando

Museum Jorge Rando

The Museum Jorge Rando, centre of reference for the work of this master

from Málaga, is the first institution in Spain dedicated to the study, research

and spreading of expressionist poetry, in the broad sense of the term, since

the final decades of the XXIth to the present.

The tour is a pictorial walk with a permanent exhibition in continuous movement,

the wealth of thematic cycles of Jorge Rando by África, Prostitución,

Pasión, Pintarradas, Paisajes, Maternidades (Africa, Prostitution, Passion,

“Pintarradas”: paintings by daubing, Landscapes, Maternities) among

others, take turns to accompany the temporary exhibitions of national and

international artists linked to this artistic trend.

The Art Living Room with customized guided tours, with music that breaks

the imperialism of the harmony, with a cinema of lights and shadows, with

a theater with screenplays that speak of fear and anxiety, with conferences

without dais, with literary lectures that compels us to look for in our

soul, with an open Atelier with spotted easels, twisted tubes and canvases

in white, so that the artists have a study whose walls whisper them that the

triumph of painter is to paint.

An institution that offers itself with doors always open for people to come in

and the museum ready to leave. A museum that smells of paint, a museum

with soul. Museum Jorge Rando, your museum.

The Museum Jorge Rando is the first and only museum that opens its

workshops throughout the day, so that artists can have a place to paint

inside of the museum facilities. The Atelier is also open to visitors.

The museum welcomes every Saturday at 12:00 midday, the Market

Hour, Music Hour that welcomes concerts and rehearsals to open

doors, in the church of the attached Monastery to the museum.

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