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Zea-Salvatierra Palace - Palaces

Palacio de Zea-Salvatierra

Zea-Salvatierra Palace

The Zea Salvatierra Palace is one of the most important 17th and 18th century landmarks of Málaga.

Different historical events led to the palace becoming the Town Hall during the reign of Isabella II (1830 – 1904), coming under attack during the 1868 revolution. After this it was used to house the Main Post Office ("Casa de Correos") and it continued as such well into the 20th century. Today it is a private residence.

Its restoration uncovered the elements that best describe this building. Made up of a ground floor and two more storeys, it is built on a base of large blocks enclosing large barred windows, with a wide portico between ashlars framed by pilasters.

Inside is an interesting patio that was remodelled in the 19th century. It is formed by a series of arches on marble columns with Corinthian capitals being open on the ground floor and closed at the top. On the left side is the main staircase with marble columns at the foot.

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