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Saint John the Baptist Church - Monuments

Saint John the Baptist Church

Saint John the Baptist Church

15th - 18th centuries. The origin of the parish of San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist), known by its abbreviated name as San Juan dates back to the conquest of the city by the Catholic Monarchs in 1487. San Juan was one of four parishes (with Santiago, Los Mártires and Sagrario) into which the city was divided after the Christian conquest. However, the building's current appearance and the writings on the façade are from the various interventions that occurred in the 18th century.

In fact, this parish was extensively remodelled as a result of the earthquake of 1680 as well as other reasons. The tower that can be seen today, which is unusual because it provides access to the church through the lateral nave, was built following the damage caused by this earthquake.

There is another portal on the left side that opened as recently as 1988 funded by the brotherhoods that are housed in this temple. The portal was built to avoid having to demolish and rebuild the wall to allow the thrones to enter and leave every Easter since these do not fit through the existing door.

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