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Consulate House. Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País - Monuments

Casa del Consulado. Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País

Consulate House. Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País

The Economic Society of the Friends of the Country is a 17th century baroque classicist building declared a National Historic Landmark in 1923. Built in 1785, it housed the Montepío de Socorro a los Cosecheros (The Agriculturist Relief Fund) and later the Consulado Marítimo Terrestre (Inland and Shipping Consulate) and so became known as the Casa del Consulado.

In 1856 it became the headquarters of the Economic Society of the Friends of the Country, which aims to promote agriculture, industry, commerce and education. Its activities included night classes and dissemination of knowledge in various fields, a lending library, conferences and exhibitions.

Its façade is classified as a balcony building because it has several balconies two of which run round the second and third floors for observing the festivities held below. It is for good reason that the building is located in the Plaza de la Constitución, the nerve centre of civic celebrations in Málaga.

It was renovated in 2004 when the ancient splendour of elements such as the marble at the entrance or the medallion in the attic with the slogan "Aid the diligent, Deny the lazy. was reinstated.

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