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OXO, Video Game Museum in Málaga

OXO, Museo del Videojuego Málaga

OXO, Video Game Museum in Málaga

OXO is a space for culture and innovation in digital entertainment.

A new initiative highlighting the relevance of the video game industry, it is meant to become a unique, state-of-the-art venue for exhibition, preservation, study and discussion.

OXO was established to preserve and promote the artistic and technological culture of the video game industry, as well as to offer training in video game careers: development and programming, 3D modelling, artificial intelligence and digital art in STEAM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics).

Tours begin with a unique experience at the Immersive 3D Gallery. Then visitors explore the history of video games in three sections: Past, Present and Future. They can play with all kinds of devices, from retro consoles to the most modern gadgets.

Before leaving, visitors can grab a bite at Terraza Catedral, a rooftop bar serving the best food and offering breath-taking panoramic views in the heart of Málaga.

Opening times

Mon-Sun 11am-10pm

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