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Cortina del Muelle (Quay's Curtain)

Cortina del Muelle

Cortina del Muelle (Quay's Curtain)

Calle Cortina del Muelle was, until the 19th century, the place where the port joined the city. For centuries the breakwater protected this boundary and visiting ships docked here.

There are many engravings portraying this picture of the city linked directly to the sea. With the passage of time and the pressure from the strong growth of the city, this natural protective boundary was finally demolished in the mid-19th century. This coincided with the design of a new port and Parque de Málaga and the area known as the Cortina del Muelle was used.

At the end of the street we find the magnificent Palacio de la Aduana building (Málaga Museum). Fruit of the city's great commercial and even more significant port activity, the building work began on the Italian Renaissance style Palace in the late 19th century. It is, therefore, the best example of neoclassicism in the city.

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