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Athenaum of Málaga Exhibition Hall

Sala de exposiciones del Ateneo

Athenaum of Málaga Exhibition Hall

This non-for-profit art and culture association, established in 1966, promotes culture through the interdisciplinary work of various offices organising activities in all fields of creation, from the visual and the performing arts to literature to science and philosophy.

Since 2000, the association has been housed in the former San Telmo School on Compañía Street, in the heart of the Old Town – an ancient building that first housed the School of San Sebastián and the School of Novices of the Society of Jesus, as well as a church. The building was completed in the second half of the seventeenth century. When the Jesuits were expelled from Spain in 1767, it was divided and put to multiple uses, housing a variety of educational and cultural institutions: the Royal Schools of Latin and Rhetoric, the Royal Nautical School of San Pedro, the Harvesters’ Mutual Organisation, the Sea and Land Trade Court, the School of Fine Arts, the Teacher Training Colleges, the Málaga Society of Science, and even the Museum of Fine Arts.

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