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Municipal Tourist Information Office - Head Office - Tourist Information Offices

Municipal Tourist Information Office - Head Office

Municipal Tourist Information Office - Head Office

The central tourist information office is strategically located in the heart of the Historic Centre. It stands out as a focal point for visitors looking to organise their tour of the city. The 200 square metre facility not only provides essential information about the city and local tourism businesses, but is also the main headquarters of the Foreign Tourist Assistance Service.

This specialised service offers assistance in situations that may arise during your stay and offers useful advice and all kinds of information. They provide in-depth advice on places of interest, cultural activities, gastronomy and events in the city.

The staff can provide multilingual support, ensuring that visitors can access the information they need.

Opening times


Winter time (1 November to 31 March): Monday to Sunday from 09:00 to 18:00

Summer time (01 April to 31 October): Monday to Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00

*December 25th  and January 1st  the office will be closed.

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